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Help Us Reveal The Child Within Autism

Campaign Details

1st November 2014 to 1st January 2015
12:00pm - 12:00pm

The age for early intervention for children with autism is 2 1/2 to 6 years.

It's a terribly short window.

With more than 200 children enrolled every year, AEIOU Foundation's education and therapy support program gives children with autism the best chance for a brighter future.

But we rely on community support to deliver this life-changing program.

Will you help us? Donate now!

Max's Story

Returning to Australia after nine years in Qatar has been a very difficult time for us all, but mostly for Max.

Max was diagnosed with autism during a visit home in April 2012. Max had lost some words after turning two, and did not talk. He also displayed poor eye contact and repetitive hand movements.

Nothing could have prepared us for the devastating news when a team of professionals told us that our young boy has autism – that day was the darkest of our lives.

We soon returned to Qatar. We had no idea how heartbreaking our journey would be in a country with no formal programs for kids with special needs.

We did a lot of soul searching. We knew our time in Qatar was limited as early intervention was crucial in the treatment of autism. So we did our research and AEIOU kept on coming up with amazing results for kids with autism and so we put his name on the waiting list. It then took us 18 months from Max’s diagnosis to find work in Brisbane and return to Australia.

We packed up our lives and left our amazing life in Qatar for the unknown in Brisbane. We had no idea how our lovely little boy would cope with these huge changes.

Max started with AEIOU in January 2014 and the staff have been amazing. They are so supportive and helpful; providing strategies to manage Max’s autism at home as well as developing his skills at AEIOU. Jo, Max’s speech therapist even came to our house so we could include our girls – Lily 12 and Scarlett 10 - to best support Max’s education.

His behaviour is much better, our days were spent with Max head butting or running into walls and now Max has stopped that and is able to self-regulate. 

The support AEIOU has given to our family and to Max has been incredible. We now have hope for the future that Max will grow to be an independent and contributing member of the community – something so many people take for granted for their kids.

Angela Sullivan, Max's Mum.

Please make a tax-deductible donation this Christmas. Help us continue to reach children with autism in time, and give more families the opportunity of education, therapy and life.


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