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Autism Awareness Month

What is it?

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day, marking the beginning of Autism Awareness Month.

Since being declared in 2007 by the United Nations General Assembly, Autism Awareness Day (and subsequently the month of April) is used across the globe to draw attention to autism.

It’s a time to celebrate the unique qualities of people living with the lifelong condition, to consider how they can best be supported, and to promote knowledge and understanding in the community. 

Why is raising awareness so important?

Building community understanding can improve the life of a child with autism by increasing their chances of early diagnosis, so they can receive therapy and support. It can also result in a more tolerant, compassionate society.

As people learn about things like why it’s called a 'spectrum', how meltdowns and tantrums aren’t the same thing, and what sensory challenges are all about, they’re helping create a community where autistic people and those who love them can thrive, rather than being judged.

At AEIOU Foundation, we believe everyone should know that autism can be very challenging, but that it also has positive elements which should be nurtured. And that our society is stronger when it’s more diverse.

How can I make a difference?

Everyone has an important role to play; collectively, we can make a big difference and it’s easy to get started!

  1. Overcome misconceptions: explore our helpful resources below.
  2. Practise what you learn: help increase awareness of autism with friends, family and colleagues.  
  3. Support an autism organisation: find out how you can support AEIOU here.

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